Filing Fee Frequently Asked Questions

What is a filing fee?

To tell a court that you want to start a legal case, you file forms with the court. When the forms that start a legal case are filed with the court, the court charges a filing fee.

How much is a civil court filing fee?

The cost to file a new case in civil court: $157. If you want the sheriff to serve the papers on the other parties, the cost to file a new case in civil court with sheriff service of process: $185.

What if I cannot afford a filing fee?

Under Indiana law, you do not have to pay a filing fee if you meet certain requirements. A filing fee waiver asks the court to waive (not charge) a filing fee because you cannot afford to pay it. See “How to File Forms with the Court” to find the filing fee waiver instructions and form.

Will the court charge a filing fee every time a document is filed?

No. In general, a filing fee is only charged when a case is started (the first forms are filed).

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