Talk to a Lawyer for FREE- Southwestern Indiana
Southern Indiana residents with brief civil legal questions are invited to call and talk to a civil legal aid attorney. This event is the 1st Thursday from 4:30PM-6:00PM (CST) and the 3rd Tuesday from 11:30AM-1:00PM (CST) every month. Please call us at 812-618-4845 or 888-594-3449.
Topics included, but are not limited to Divorce, Child Support, Custody, Parenting Time, Eviction, Foreclosure, Collections, Driver's License Issues, Protective Orders, Expungement, Name Change, Gender Marker Change, Estate Planning, Military, Immigration, Employment, etc. Most civil legal questions can be asked via this hotline. If you are unable to get a direct answer, resources will be provided.
Virtual Meeting Details
Event Phone Number: 812-618-4845 or 888-594-3449
April 4, 2024
Phone Number
812-618-4845 or 888-594-3449
Additional Information
If the safety of you or your children is in danger, call 911 for help or 211 to seek assistance of a local domestic violence organization.
For more information CLICK HERE
Looking for volunteer opportunities?
VLP provides services in most areas of civil law to income eligible residents of the area who do not have assets sufficient to hire a private attorney. Legal volunteer opportunities can be found by contacting your local VLP at VLPSWIN.ORG